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"The Social Network" is a story about the founders of Facebook. Click here to watch the trailer. The movie is rated PG-13. Fitting, I think, since Facebook requires all users to be at least 13 years of age.




The people of the Granite State have always taken their motto, "Live Free or Die", to heart. During the American Revolution, 1776, New Hampshire was the first colony to declare its independence from Great Britain and to establish its own government. It was the 9th. and last necessary state to ratify the new Constitution of the United States in 1788.

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The invention of the baseball catcher's mask is attributed to Fred Thayer, team captain of the Harvard students Baseball Club in 1875. The mask was worn by Jim Tyng who played for the Harvard team in an exhibition game. Thayer also modified the game's fencing mask, which allowed player Tyng to reach home base or receive a ball thrown at him with his face protected.



James Otis was born on February 5, 1725 in West Barnstable, Massachusetts to James Otis Sr. and Mary Otis nee Allyne. His father was in politics. One might say that this is where James Jr. got his desire to become a public servant. James Otis Jr. attended Harvard college. He graduated in 1743, at the age of eighteen. From there, he went to study law under Jeremiah Gridley.


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An interesting aspect of any language is all the different dialects that come along with it. Many dialects are formed in different cities and regions of the country and a person can easily figure out where someone is from just by the way they speak. But as noted in How We Talk by Allan Metcalf, "the use of dialect in movies gives dialect a bad name, since it can be used to stereotype narrow-mindedness and ineptitude" (Metcalf 180).


Facebook has really changed how we view social networking, allowing one message to reach thousands of people in the blink of an eye. Facebook has had a bit of a rough run in the news with various reports about the financial issues that have been plaguing Facebook for years and some people even believe that Facebook will be the downfall of civilization with the Government using Facebook to spy on people's profile and create folders on "suspicious" people. I however just talk to my friends and post funny cat photos.


Classified by age, 25.7% of the population is under 18, 9.9% is 18 to 24, 26.9% is 25 to 44, 25.6% is 45 to 64, and 11.9% is 65 or older. The median age of the population is 35.9.


Every guru from Anthony Robbins to Brian Keith has at one time told the story of how Harvard University conducted a study on the class of 1957 to determine who had written goals. According to the study only 2% of the group had written goals and when they checked back 20 years later that 2% controlled 98% of the money within that group. It's a great story and it's been told and retold numerous times, but the fact of the matter is the study never took place. From one guru to the next, the story took on a life of its own. Unfortunately, much of the self-help field is filled with assumptions that have no basis in fact.


One of these addiction is called "Scapegoats". People are addicted to wanting to find scapegoats for their own mistakes, whether it is a thing or another person. Try and remember the last time you made a mistake, you tried your best to blame it on something else.


Go through this checklist and answer each question honestly. Of course, there are no guarantees of success, but I am confident that those who do their homework prior to starting will build the foundation for a successful internet marketing business.